Monday, November 24, 2008

Using Expired Explosives to Increase Afforestation

This is solely my father's brainchild...

He came up with a fascinating idea wherein the expired explosives of the military can be put to CONSTRUCTIVE AND GOOD use.


There are huge masses of rocky lands in the country, wherein there is dearth of green cover. The main reason for the lack of growth of plants in these areas is that the surface is ROCKY, and hence not suitable for germination, and the roots of the plants to penetrate the hard surface.


The idea is to drill holes in these rocky areas and use the expired explosives to blast the rocks. This would lead to appearance of CREVICES which would be sufficient for the seeds to germinate and the roots of the plants to seep in. The rains during monsoon would provide the adequate water required, which would now seep down these crevices instead of getting washed away.

Purpose served: Expired ammunition has been put to good use to increase afforestation, and the water table too would increase at almost no additional cost.

The results may take some time to show as it would require the plants at least a couple of cycles to grow and survive. But an increase in vegetation by even 10% in an otherwise rocky and barren area completely devoid of vegetation is worth the wait !!!


Ap0c said...

Indeed a good idea. But dont you think expired explosives are too dangerous work with.

Priyamvada said...

I don't think so. If I understand correctly, expired explosives are something like areated drinks. After some time, the fizz, or in this case, the intensity goes down considerably.