An interesting use of old tyre that my sister came across while touring Switzerland.
Punctured, eroded tyres are of little use on the road. The material that they are generally made of is difficult to re-cycle and re-mould, and burning then produces a horrible smell. The best way to use them is either cut it and make some contraptions, or to use it as it is, for different purposes.
The old tyres can be filled with concrete, with an upright signpost in the center. This type of contraption can be really useful where mobility of signpost is required. The signposts can be picked up and put in different locations in no time. These can be quite useful in fairs and exhibitions as well.
I did a casual search on the net, and came across quite a lot of other useful suggestions on the uses of old tyres. The links are as follows :
There was also an article that mentioned the Government of Spain thinking of passing a law to use old tyres while building roads. If other governments could also pass such laws, it would really help in preserving the environment by re-cycling products that have once served its purpose.
Nice post. Good to see u've done some research too... :P
Thanks! I had good fun reading about the various uses old tyres can be put too :)
good one... btw, from signposts i recall ... here at the bus transit station, i observed there were signposts fixed in a bucket filled with lots of sand... no concrete used
Definitely a good idea!! :)
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