Most of the time, we are unable to get into good institutions both in India/abroad because of "Lack of Information" or "Guidance". Preparation for entrance exams of all levels can also turn directionless, if we don't know how to go about preparing for that particular exam. Mentorpolis is an effort in that direction to help plug that gap on an individual basis.
Mentorpolis is an effort to establish a new communication channel that connects mentees who seek academic / professional advice, with accomplished and suitable mentors, via one-to-one interaction. It provides mentees with personal guidance and direct access to mentors, who can help them make informed decisions.
Mentees could be high school students, undergraduates, young professionals, whereas mentors are students and professionals who once were in the same situation, but have now made it big : and thus precisely understand problems faced by mentees and want to share their wisdom in a nurturing manner.
I am sure all aspiring students would greatly benefit from this venture, since this is not just an online portal where one can post their queries, but it also provides a great opportunity for aspiring students to connect to a mentor of one's choice on a one-to-one basis.
Also read:
- How it works
- Find a mentor
- Popular guidance areas: GMAT , GRE , TOEFL , CAT , MBA in US
- Become a mentor on Mentorpolis
You'v certainly got friends with brains man! was surfing through the web site. seemed like a brilliant idea.Its time i unleash my mentoring skills:-)
Thanks!! "Avijit is hungry for all appreciation" ;)
Yes, its a good idea. For that matter, I feel most of us have ideas at some point of time, but never work upon it. This guy did...and did it brilliantly.
Thanks once again!
hello jeee.....
i'm waiting for your next blog bhai, kab aa raha hai?
Soon...am working on it :) Thanks yr..Feels good to know people actually read the blog. Its a big inspiration...
Loved the pic Priya , well chosen! Still have to visit the site...but will do it now that you have praised it so well.
I liked your approach in this blog .. presenting a problem and then proposing an end-to-end solution is how things should work .. great job!
Thanks Shashvat. Am glad you liked the concept :) Its a great boost to my motivation level.
Thanks once again :)
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