Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Postitive Print Media

The print media is on a roll!! The world over, a number of dailies/magazines are being published, in a wide range of languages, that bring the happenings of the world to our doorstep.


How many of the newspapers/magazines are positive? Most of them have related to political happenings, financial crisis, sports / entertainment industry and what the who's who did during the week, murders, or opinions of the columnists. All these make good reading material, and are definitely good for sales, but what has not been reported is the positive development that is happening around the world.

It is my strong belief that there are more good people than bad. If a murder happens at some place, there is definitely a family adopting a young one at some other part of the world. If a bridge collapsed somewhere, there is surely another one that is coming up.


Why is there no newspaper that is committed to publishing news about the positive developments happening around the world? As a citizen of this country (India), I am very keen to know how the Metro work is progressing, including a map to show all routes that are functional now, and what processes go into building a metro rail. As a citizen of this country, I would love to know about India's Moon mission, all the launch vehicles till date. I would love to know about the architectural wonders around the world, and how people have accomplished this feat. As a music lover, I would like to know about different instruments, and how to go about learning them. As a citizen of the world, I am really keen on knowing how people are helping the needy and poor. As an entrepreneur, I would love to know about people who have made it big on their own mettle and have succeeded in life. The list is endless...

What I would like to emphasise upon is that we can use the media as a place to just report the sensational happenings around us, and we can use it to inspire people around us by making them aware of the 'Positive' things that are happening around us. The choice is solely ours....


Robin Panwala said...

i feel the print media needs to be more sensible and needs to keep in mind the fact that people of all ages read what they publish. i dont say that do not publish the negative news at all but be considerate and give it appropriate importance.. for eg, put the disturbing news on the 3rd/4th page rather than the first page. i'm sure not many of us read beyond the headlines / sports pages. i'm sure reading +ve news first up in the day would add spring to the step of Mr. Citizen.

Priyamvada said...

I agree completely with your views!

At the same time, I strongly feel that there should be some magazine / newspaper that publishes only the positive developments taking place around the world/country. (These could be circulated as an add-on to the existing newpaper, and would really help the common man to appreciate the progress)

Prahlad Patidar said...

This is a great post. I love it. Appreciate your idea behind this blog. Let's make world better. Wow! yes we can.

Priyamvada said...

Thanks! It is truly motivating when someone out of the blue reads the blog and posts an encouraging comment.

Thanks once again :)