Friday, December 26, 2008

Essence of Smile


How many of us like to be praised? I think, ALL. It is human tendency to want to listen to few good words about themselves. The simplest of praises, like, a good dress, nice pair of shoes, a lovely smile, a beautiful hairstyle, good work etc. all boost our confidence levels, and makes our day beautiful. But then why are people so frugal in praising others? Each individual on the face of this earth has certain qualities, and no one is perfect in this world. Then what makes us hold back in the act of praising and appreciating people?

People over a period of time tend to take others for granted. In short, they become ungracious, without realising. How many of us thank the waiters for getting us food? Or the cab driver ferrying us around. Not many, I would say....Agreed, it is their job. But a bit of appreciation makes it much more enjoyable.


A cheerful person would spread cheer and happiness to others in turn, and people would be happier and better mannered, not to mention more productive. I am not talking about incessant praise, but few words of genuine appreciation that one might feel meeting someone during the course of the day.

I came across a cheeky video that demonstrates how few words of praise changes the life of so many people. The 'change' here may not be drastic, but the person in question is definitely a happier human being. To be able to make someone smile, not by a comic act or some joke, but by making them feel GOOD about themselves is not so difficult, and is , in my opinion, definitely a very simple and cost free method to make the world a much happier place to be in.

I haven't uploaded the video due to size constainst. However, the link to the video is:


Robin Panwala said...

couldn't have agreed more ...

Priyamvada said...

Thanks! I need all the motivation I can get at this point of time...Your comment couldn't have come at a better time :)