Sunday, March 8, 2009

Multi-Compatment Shopping Bags

An idea that my sister came up with while shopping for vegetables in a weekly market :


The only reason why I use plastic:

When I buy vegetables like okra, beans, green chilies etc., plastic bags come in very handy ensuring an ease of putting things away without first having to go through the painstaking task of separating each type. I recall the time when I newly returned from Germany, and after seeing their care with reusing plastic, I made my mother go to the market with just a cloth bag. We came back with a week’s worth of green veggies and to my mortification the greens were so well mixed together that it looked as if they were meant to be that way. My sister couldn't help chuckling at my musings and commented that it is the law of physics, entropy of the universe…dodging the potato that I threw at her. It took me larger part of an hour to separate and stock our refrigerator.

I wanted to apply methods that have worked somewhere else, without realizing that each problem has to be tackled individually. What worked for me in Germany did not work in India. My brain working in overdrive, I wanted to prove it to my mother that there had to be a better way of doing this. She had laughingly handed me the bag after getting home to organize the mess that I had inadvertently created.


Necessity is the mother of all invention. I hit upon the idea that we could at least reuse the plastic bags. No sooner than I had said it , the idea seemed like a halfway attempt. It was then suddenly seeing my mom sitting at the sewing machine that I hit upon a better solution. We see plastic everywhere and reusing them also is not going to reverse a trend. What needs to be done is designing specific shopping bags with various compartments ( made out of cloth !! eureka!!) that can handle all the veggies but still make sure that nothing gets mixed up. The vendors can be given these free or at nominal costs to promote the use of such "Multi compartment Bags". Over a period of time, plastic needs to be completely banned. I wish it happens soon because I crave a country without plastic bags littered over its landscape.


Shruti said...

Wow !!!
This is such a brilliant idea and I must say that it has been staring us in the face and we haven't seen it before!!!

Priyamvada said...

Hehe...Ideas are generally like that. They are there in our heads, but we don't realise it.

Thank you for this idea, and letting me put this on my blog. It is truly your brainchild :)

Shruti said...

My inspiration was your blog dear! :-)

nandini said...

This indeed sounds like a great idea! My parents have always been big proponents of carrying cloth bags to the sabji mandi, and for each separate item what they do is carry a thin cloth version of the plastic covers you find in StarBazaar for the different sabjis. Mom made many of these from old saris, a really long time back, and this helps coz these covers can be directly kept into the fridge, the cloth being better than plastic also in allowing the veggies to breathe.

And really nice blogs you have here Priya! Keep up the great work!

Priyamvada said...

Hey Nandini,

Thank you so much for the motivating comment! It feels great when someone likes your idea and comments on it :)

I started this blog last year, putting down some random ideas. Hopefully, in another year will have a good collection of at least a few meaningful ideas. Any suggestions are most welcome. Also, if you have any idea as to how to make some of these possible, please do let me know.

Thanks once again for the motivation :)

Lots of love,